I haven't worked in this website in a long a time, because I haven't had much time, i'm always busy with school...
I forgot about this site hehehe, I'm currently making a website for a school project sooooooooo yeah no updates once again xd.
Just noticed half of my site doesn't work .i.
Also I forgot to make my cats website and the websites page for random stuff I find xd. There's a long road ahead of me ;(
I'm going to keep this site as simple as possible just for updates because the updates are ugly on my main page.
So I organised the boring stuff like docs and websites/codes and deleted almost everything. I'm just going to "start over" again.
But I need to make a website for a school project (ANOTHER ONE) about hardware and the project that me and my friend are making, It's going to be plubic so if you want to check it out you can =D
Who needs music am I right?
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